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Desuite Milano

Hotel Overview : Desuite Milano

Elegant design, a sophisticated ambience, and attentive and delicate detailing combined with a comfortable atmosphere and the independence of home living: these are the basic concepts behind Desuite, an oasis of peaceful privacy in the heart of Milan's financial district. It is a new accommodation concept in the heart of the capital of Italian fashion, design and sports that combines all the services and amenities of the finest hotels with the freedom of an apartment. Desuite has been created to satisfy our guests' wide array of needs. That's why it has been divided into units of different sizes to cater to all types of travel: from business to ultra-relaxing holidays. Desuite offers 12 apartments that can accommodate from 1 to 4 people. They are available in different sizes, either on a single floor or with a loft, in order to meet all your needs. The apartment layouts feature: bedrooms, bathroom, kitchenette with a worktop, walk-in closet and meeting area

Desuite Milano

Via Pomezia, 4,Milan,Italy
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